Millionaire and bon vivant Al Robinson is determined to write a book. He has been studying the phenomenon “woman” his entire life, but after his divorce he has finally seen the light. Al develops the Five-Woman Theory: he will find five women who each have one of the traits a man normally looks for in one woman. At the same time Al writes his book. It’s a novel about Donald, who discovers his sexuality in the turbulent 1960s. After a strict upbringing, Donald becomes entangled in the sexual revolution and the rising feminism of the seventies and eighties. In the accompanying footnotes, Robinson underpins the conclusions he has drawn from his lifelong “field research” about love, sex and relationships. Fons Burger lives in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His book was enthusiastically received in the Netherlands.

“Delicious book. Good structure with functional sex and a reassuring end.” – Dutch Playboy




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